Real Diablos
Imposing armchair with soft curves and engaging fangs.
This piece represents the artist’s character, usually very kind and cooperative, but also surly when he sees people try to take advantage of him.
It’s made in chain links, singularly overlayered without the aid of moulds or guidelines, except for Bissolo’s imagination.
The frame, which is basically the piece’s spine, is external and incredibly complex to realize. It’s like trying to put a ribbon on a box, before having the Box.
Finally the frame was sandblasted, nickelplated and varnished a
transparent color, to ensure it will be long-lasting. The filling is in
padded sponge and upholstered in silver-sponged black leather.
Sedia Anelli Nikel
Sedia Anelli Imperiale Nichel
170 Anelli sovrapposti per creare un effetto squame e saldati uno ad uno con ben 1.360 saldature. Sabbiata per dare al tatto la porosita' del materiale poi nichelata argento per brillare sotto la luce. Seduta e schienale in velluto antracite

Poltrona Lunga Molle
Poltrona Lunga Molle
Comodissima ed unica con vere molle per un aspetto sospeso.
Telaio in acciaio tinta ruggine, imbottitura rivestita in pelle intrecciata cuscino poggiatesta regolabile